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The mission of the website is to be a resource of health and educational information for patients, parents, and general pediatricians. We cannot warrant that any of the materials provided in the website are comprehensive, complete, accurate, correct, reliable, current, or fitting to any specific users. also doesn’t warrant that any of the materials on this web site is free of the errors, viruses, or destructive characteristics.

The information provided in this website is based on the experience from individual physicians, which is for educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical care, and medical advice and services are not being offered. It should not be used alone in treating specific patients. You should make your own judgment on the use of the information in this website, and should not delay, or fail to obtain medical advice from your healthcare providers based on information obtained from this website.


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但同时也要承担相应的风险。如果您有健康问题或是怀疑自己有健康问题,应该向您的医生进行咨询 links other patient educational websites as a service to our readers and is not responsible for information and content provided in other Web sites and is not intended to substitute or replace the professional medical advice you receive from your physician(s). The content provided here is for informational purposes only, and was not designed to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease. Please consult your physician with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your condition. We hope you find these linkes helpful, but please remember we do not control or endorse the information presented on these Web sites, nor do these sites endorse the information contained here.

The Internet is not a secure medium and third parties may be able to obtain information regarding users' activities. Users access the Internet voluntarily and at their own risk. If you have, or suspect you have, a health problem you should consult your physician.